Mansion in May 2023 Tulip Award Winners
Tulip Award winners are recognized with Mansion in May's highest honor as selected by visitors who cast ballots for their favorite interior and landscape spaces at the end of their tours.

Mansion in May 2023 Tulip Award Winners, left to right:
Interior Design: Samuel Robert Signature Spaces, Sam Ciardi
Landscape Design: Back to Nature Home and Garden, Erika Mantz and Anthony Sblendorio

Sam Ciardi, Erika Mantz and Anthony Sblendorio

L to R: Katherine Sheeleigh and Michelle Meszaros, Mansion in May Landscape Design Co-Chairs; Anthony Sblendorio and Erika Mantz of Back to Nature Home and Garden; Sam Ciardi of Samuel Robert Signature Spaces; Lisa Overley and Alexandra Elliott, Mansion in May Interior Design Co-Chairs
Interior Design Tulip Award Winner
Interior Space: Moor and Mountains
Designed by Samuel Robert Signature Spaces, Sam Ciardi

Pictured in the winning Moor and Mountains space, from left:
Lisa Overly, Interior Design Co-Chair; Mary Courtemanche, Mansion in May Co-Chair; Alexandra Elliott, Interior Design Co-Chair; Sam Ciardi of Samuel Robert Signature Spaces; Barbara Ruane, Mansion in May Co-Chair; Kathy Christie, President, Women's Association for Morristown Medical Center.

Sam Ciardi receiving 2023 Tulip Award from MIM Interior Design Co-Chairs
Lisa Overley & Alexandra Elliott

Mansion in May 2023 Interior Design Winning Space:
Moor and Mountains
Landscape Design Tulip Award Winner
Landscape Space: Petite Parterre
Designed by Back to Nature Home and Garden, Erika Mantz and Anthony Sblendorio

Landscape Design Tulip Award Winners:
Space Name: Petite Parterre - Design by Back to Nature Home and Garden
Erika Mantz and Anthony Sblendorio

MIM Landscape Design Co-Chairs, Katherine Sheeleigh and Michelle Meszaros with 2023 Landscape Tulip Award Winners, Back to Nature Home and Garden, Erika Mantz and Anthony Sblendorio
The Back to Nature Home and Garden Team