Benefits to Advertising in the Journal
The Mansion in May 2025 Journal will be a large, full-color glossy keepsake of the event.
We are pleased to offer our advertisers the following:

Reach Target Audience
Visitors excitedly anticipate every Mansion. Advertisers benefit from their association with Mansion in May and our very worthy cause.
Journal Distribution
Every visitor (nearly 22,000) receives the Journal. Visitors keep the Mansion in May Journal and refer to it year-round as a resource guide for goods and services. In this way the Mansion in May Journal is much more than a magazine or tribute publication.
Advertising Index
Advertisers in the Journal will have their name listed on a one-page Advertising Index with the associated page number.
Expanded Reach Online
The Journal will be posted on the Mansion in May website for two years in a "page-turner" format with hyperlinks to the advertiser's website. This expands reach well beyond the nearly 22,000 copies of the Journal distributed at Mansion in May and creates a direct link to your company. Check out the 2023 Journal for Mansion in May - Three Fields below.
Keepsake Quality
The Journal creates a lifetime imprint that forever associates the advertisers with Mansion in May and the picturesque and gracious country estate, Wildfair.
We invite you to participate with the 21st Mansion in May
and help support the new Proton Therapy Center at
Morristown Medical Center.
~ Changing the Landscape of Cancer Care ~
Journal advertising space is limited and will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.